Annika Breidthardt

Commission voices concern over conviction of former Greek data chief

The case of Greece's ex-statistics chief who was found guilty of a breach of National Statistic Authority (ELSTAT) regulations duty will be examined by European Union members-states at the next Eurogroup, a European Commission spokeswoman responsible for economic affairs said Wednesday. 

Dijsselbloem: No staff level agreement with Greece

EuroGroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that no agreement had been reached between the Greek government and the institutions on the second review. Speaking in the Dutch Parliament, Thursday, Mr. Dijsselbloem denied a Reuters report published on Wednesday that claimed Greece and its creditors had reached a staff level deal.

Greek gov't does not confirm report on preliminary deal with lenders

A Greek government official said Wednesday that reports of a preliminary deal between Greece and its foreign lenders on the terms of the country's bailout program could not be confirmed.

"No comment. When the deal is made, you will learn it officially and not through a leak," said the official on condition of anonymity.

Commission 'cannot confirm' reports of deal between Athens, lenders

The European Commission has not confirmed news reports released earlier Wednesday claiming that a preliminary agreement has been reached between Athens and its foreign lenders.

"We saw the media reports on this; I cannot confirm," said Annika Breidthardt, coordinating spokesperson for economic and financial affairs for the Commission, in Brussels.

EU: Institutions’ technical teams to arrive in Athens within the week

European Commissioner for Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici spokesperson Annika Breidthardt announced on Tuesday that the technical teams of the institutions will return to Athens within the week.

According to Breidthardt, the return of the institutions’ technical teams to Athens is “an important step” to prepare the visit of the heads of the institutions in the near future.
