Antonis Samaras

Watershed moment

Over the past few years skeptics at home and abroad have speculated that debt-hit Greece will have to leave the common currency area.

Such gloomy predictions were yesterday debunked in the most official of ways. Euro-exit scenarios are no longer on the cards and the usual doomsayers have mostly fallen silent.

Samaras and Venizelos to meet for second time in wake of stormy multi-bill vote

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and Deputy Premier Evengelos Venizelos are due to hold a second meeting on Monday to discuss the fallout from the passing of the multi-bill through Parliament on Sunday night and preparations for the Eurogroup and ECOFIN meetings in Athens on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Venizelos slams Papandreou over multi-bill vote but avoids ousting ex-PM from party

PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos slammed his predecessor George Papandreou for failing to support both articles of the omnibus bill in a late vote on Sunday but stopped short of ousting the former prime minister from the party, a move that would have put the coalition’s majority at risk.

Greek Parliament passes multi-bill but coalition sees majority cut further

The omnibus bill containing liberalization measures and other reforms that Greece needed to pass to receive its next bailout tranche squeezed through Parliament at just after midnight on Sunday but the vote led to the government’s majority dwindling further.
