İbrahim Kaboğlu

Debate over conversion of Hagia Sophia into mosque became domestic political row: CHP MP

The debate over the possible reopening of Istanbul's Hagia Sophia Museum as a mosque has turned into a domestic political row between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), an MP for the latter has said.

Cumhuriyet trial: Litmus test

It might be a surprise for some, but it is an unfortunate reality of this country. At the end of June there were 171 journalists in prison. Prominent human rights activists, among them Amnesty International Turkey director İdil Eser, have been placed behind bars on grounds of membership in a terrorist gang.

The legal proceedings the PM calls 'not quite faultless'

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım gave this answer when his opinion was asked on the dismissal of academics such as Professor İbrahim Kaboğlu whose only "political fault" was being a democrat, as well as journalist Ahmet Şık, who was imprisoned in the past by Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) judges and who is now arrested on charges of being a member of FETÖ: "In major incidents, will th

Everyone talks except constitutional lawyers

A change in the system is much more important than writing a constitution, and it leads to far more important consequences. 

Shouldn't we vote acknowledging the issue without being lured with demagogical discourses that are in favor or against?

The people who should be the primary ones informing us are first and foremost constitutional lawyers.

State of emergency with no checks and balances

Following a non-inspection decision of the Constitutional Court, the state of emergency has been functioning without "checks and balances." 

The other day, on Feb. 8, 4,464 people, of whom 330 are academics, were expelled from public work. 

A constitutional law professor, İbrahim Kaboğlu, has been expelled from university too. 
