Şenal Sarıhan

Draft law authorizing 'muftis' to register civil marriages submitted to Turkish parliament

A recent draft law on the civil registration services proposing to allow "muftis," religious civil servants within the body of Turkey's Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), to register marriages, was submitted to the Turkish parliament on July 25.

Main opposition CHP report claims journalist was tortured before detention by police

A report written by a delegation from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has stated Ömer Çelik, an arrested editor of Diyarbakır-based news agency DİHA, had been tortured by police forces in his house before being detained. 

Turkey's main opposition visits daily Cumhuriyet journalists, executives in prison

A delegation from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) on April 28 visited jailed daily Cumhuriyet journalists and executives in Istanbul's Silivri Prison. 

CHP deputy leader Veli Ağbaba, Ankara lawmakers Necati Yılmaz and Şenal Sarıhan and Muğla deputy Nurettin Demir compiled a report with messages from the arrested journalists and executives after their visit. 

Turkey to cut official ads on newspapers of journalists charged with terror links

Turkey's Press Advertisement Institution, the authority for distributing official ads to newspapers, has announced that it will not direct any business to publications whose owners, partners or executives face terrorism charges, raising criticism from the opposition and a sector organization.