Evangelos Apostolakis

Greek, Turkish armed forces chiefs look for ways to reduce tension in Aegean

Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff (GEETHA) Chief Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis and his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar discussed ways of deescalating tension in the Aegean to avoid the possibility of an accident, in talks held on the sidelines of recent military conferences in Europe.

Greek armed forces chief calls on Turkish counterpart to free jailed soldiers

Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff (GEETHA) Chief Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis called for the release of the two Greek servicemen who are being held in a Turkish prison since early March, during a meeting with Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar, on the sidelines of a NATO Military Committee meeting in Brussels on Wednesday.

Turkey continues provocations despite Greek PM's appeal for 'cooperation'

In a visit to the Aegean island of Kastellorizo on Tuesday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sent a message of "cooperation... but also determination" to Turkey. But provocations continued with Turkish jets harassing the Chinook helicopter carrying Tsipras and armed forces chief Evangelos Apostolakis. 

Greek Army Set to Get 1-billion-Euro Upgrade

The fast-tracking of procedures to implement a 1-billion-euro defense program was agreed on Monday during a meeting of the Parliament's Arms Committee. The decision was taken after a confidential briefing of the committee regarding the immediate needs of the country's land, naval and air forces, Ekathimerini reported.

US ambassador visits Greece's chief of general defense staff

The chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, received US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt in his Athens office on Wednesday.

Their meeting focused on developments in the broader region, as well as on the continued detention of two Greek soldiers by Turkish authorities and Greek-American ties, according to an official announcement,
