George Katrougalos

EuroGroup President: Social security matter still “open”

Despite reassurances by Greek Labour Minister George Katrougalos that the social security issue had been decided upon with Greece’s creditors and no more cuts were planned, a letter by Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem revealed that the issue would be on the November 7 Eurogroup meeting agenda.

Talks with Troika start Wednesday on Labour matters

The start of talks between the Greek Labour Minister, George Katrougalos and the country’s creditors (Troika) on Wednesday, are highly anticipated, as the Greek Minister has made it explicitly clear that Greece would not budge on the issues of massive layoffs, lock-outs, defending the right to strike and wages.

One in two pensioners lose money from Tsipras’s ‘squaring the circle’ speech

Despite the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’s claim that he had managed to ’square the circle’ during his speech at the Thessaloniki International Fair, Sunday, the numbers paint a different story regarding the cuts in pensions. Half of the Greek pensioners (1.2 million) saw a cuts in their meagre incomes ranging from a few Euros to 230 Euros (abolition of the EKAS benefit).
