George Katrougalos

Greek pensions to enter the Dark Ages with €600/month ceiling

Greek newspaper Efimerida ton Syntakton reports that Greece is entering the Dark Ages as far as pensions are concerned. The committee former Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) labor minister George Katrougalos set up is now perusing plans for pension caps no larger than 500-600 euros per month.

Angry PAME workers protest outside Labor Ministry

The All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), the Communist Party of Greece (KKE)-affiliated trade union, is protesting outside the Labor Ministry against the increase to pensioners’ health contributions by 4-6%. A PAME delegation is meeting with Labor Minister George Katrougalos to discuss EU-imposed changes to labor law.


Skourletis leaves Labor Ministry after battling with 5 years of barbaric policies

Labor Minister Panagiotis Skourletis, outgoing minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, gave over his ministry to George Katrougalos before taking over as Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister. He takes over from Panagiotis Lafazanis who heads the left platform.

New Greek ministers sworn in after Tsipras' cabinet reshuffle

New ministers in Greek Prime Minister Tsipras' government were sworn in on July 18 after a reshuffle expelled dissidents from his cabinet New ministers in Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' government were sworn in on July 18 after a reshuffle expelled dissidents from his cabinet and began a new phase of negotiations for a third bailout package. 
