Gikas Magiorkinis

Acute hepatitis: Is adenovirus 41 linked to the outbreak of cases in children? Much more contagious than Covid-19

The medical community around the world is on alert after the outbreak of acute hepatitis cases in children in various countries.

The most worrying thing of all, is the fact that some of the children who got sick (about 10%) needed a liver transplant, a development that shows the severity of the condition.

Signs of lowering infections in urban centers, but situation remains critical, says health expert

The number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in Greece appear to be declining but compliance with health measures is crucial to further improve the situation, epidemiologist Gikas Magiorkinis told a daily press briefing on the pandemic on Monday.

Signs of lowering infections in urban centres, but situation remains critical, says health expert

The number of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in Greece appear to be declining but compliance with health measures is crucial to further improve the situation, epidemiologist Gikas Magiorkinis told a daily press briefing on the pandemic on Monday.