Hillary Clinton

Oscar-winning composer writes music for Trump “stalking” Hillary (hilarious video)

Just in case you were wondering whether Hollywood adores Hillary Clinton, composer Danny Elfman let everyone in on the secret: yes. Now the man who composed the music from Batman and Edward Scissorhands has unleashed an originally-scored compilation of Donald Trump “stalking” Hillary Clinton during the second debate b between the two candidates.

Wikileaks: Bill Clinton pressured Tsipras to accept 3rd memorandum

According to whistleblower site Wikileaks, former US President Bill Clinton was ‘recruited’ by Hillary Clinton’s campaign head John Podesta to convince Greek PM Alexis Tsipras to sign on to the third bailout program in 2015. The new revelations were brought to light after Wikileaks published a large batch Podesta’s e-mails.

Clinton speaks like a political apprentice: Erdoğan

Hillary Clinton must be a political novice for suggesting that she would arm Syrian Kurdish groups in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) if she is elected president next month, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said. 
"This is a very unfortunate statement," Erdoğan said. "I regard this as political inexperience." 

Is this the illegitimate son of Bill Clinton? (video-photos)

With the US Presidential race entering its final 3 weeks, both party campaigns are trying to hit their opponents as hard as possible by “digging up” anything in their past. The US media latch on to revelations, especially those of sexual nature, and largely drive the political conversation in areas that have little to do with actual real, politics, as the recent Donald Trump “sex tape” proved.
