Hillary Clinton

Hillary has Parkinson’s: True or rumous? (video)

Hillary Clinton is known for shaking her head in approval while listening to someone addressing her. Could a video released during her press conference in Pennsylvania suggest that something else is going on? While listening to a reporter asking a question, Clinton turned to her right and her head can been seen slightly shaking up and down.

Hillary Clinton up 6 in a national poll

Hillary Clinton has opened up a six-point lead over Donald Trump, erasing the New York billionaire’s slim national edge with five weeks until Election Day, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll of likely voters. Clinton leads Trump 42-36 in the four-way race for the White House. Gary Johnson garnered 9 percent, Jill Stein got 2 percent and 10 percent remain undecided.

Wikileaks Julian Assange revelations against Hillary Clinton (video stream)

Wikileaks is celebrating its tenth anniversary as its founder Julian Assange threatens to release damaging information which could destroy Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The organisation, which claims to have released 10 million secret documents and has a further 10 million it is preparing to publish. Wikileaks said they would have ‘a celebration’ over the next ten weeks, according to

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton wanted to kill Julian Assange

BELGRADE - Candidate for the President of the United States Hillary Clinton demanded, when she was the Secretary of State, organization of drone attack on Julian Assange, according to documents published by Wikileaks.

According to "True Pandit", conveyed by Wikileaks, Clinton was under pressure to "silence" Assange after the publication of confidential diplomatic information.
