Hillary Clinton

Metallic object sparks new theories over Hillary Clinton’s health (video)

The seemingly endless list of conspiracy theories related to Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, offered up yet another bucket of conjecture after the Democratic nominee left a 9/11 memorial ceremony due to a medical event (originally described as her “feeling overheated” and later attributed to pneumonia).

Ankara versus Hillary

There is a growing trend in the pro-Justice and Development Party (AK Party) media in Turkey against Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy. Tune into one of the news channels that support the president and you will see them overjoyed about the U.S. Clinton's illness during the 9/11 memorial ceremonies.

Clinton taken ill during September 11 commemoration

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate in U.S. presidential elections, was taken ill on Sunday during a September 11 anniversary commemoration in New York.

Reuters is reporting that Clinton's campaign spokesperson said she "left early" after feeling "overheated" - but felt "much better" once she reached her daughter's nearby apartment.

Hillary Clinton diagnosed with pneumonia

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been treated for pneumonia, her doctor says, after she was taken ill at a 9/11 ceremony.
Dr Lisa Bardack said she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and given antibiotics, but had become dehydrated at the New York event.
The doctor’s statement said she was now re-hydrated and “recovering nicely”.
