Labor Inspectorate

The Ombudsman and the Trade Unions Submit a Legislative Proposal to Protect Labor Rights

Ombudsman Maya Manolova and the leaders of CITUB and Podkrepa submit to Parliament a proposal for amendments to the Labor Code that would repeal the employer's right to pay only 60% of the salary earned or limit this right to certain circumstances and times of the year.

Names of Workers Under the Collapsed Hotel in Varna Now Announced

''We were about 15-20 people working on the site,'' stated Stefan Angelov, one of the workers on the site of the collapsed hotel Veronika in Varna Wednesday. ''Around 5 pm, Mister Goergiev ordered to five people to enter the hotel and to start destroying the base with metal cutting machines. One of them refused. So, the other four were ordered to go in.

Labor Inspections Underway after Death of Miner in Manganese Mine in NE Bulgaria

Labor inspections are underway at the Obrochishte manganese mine in northeast Bulgaria, where a 39-year-old worker died on Tuesday in a rockfall.

Krasimira Spasova, interim director of the Dobrich-based unit of the General Labor Inspectorate Executive Agency, explained Wednesday in an interview for Darik radio that a team of labor inspectors was examining the site of the accident.

Nearly 1 Million Bulgarians Worked 14.5 Million Overtime Hours in 2014

Nearly 1 million people in Bulgaria at 3516 enterprises worked 14.5 million hours of overtime in 2014, according to statistics of the General Labor Inspectorate Executive Agency.

The largest amount of overtime exceeding the statutory 40 hours per week or eight hours per day norm was reported by medical workers.

Bulgarian Car Tyre Maker Vidachim Axes 314 Workers

Over 300 employees of Bulgaria's Vidin-based car tyre maker Vidachim will be unemployed as of Monday.

Vidachim, one of the largest companies in Bulgaria's poorest northwestern region, will issue redundancy notices to 314 of its 446 workers amid a lack of orders, according to reports of private TV station Nova TV.

Labor Inspectorate Found Out 143 Violations before Closing Down Ammo Plant

Bulgaria's General Labor Inspectorate has issued a decree to close the explosives plant Midzhur, hours after a blast in the factory razed it to the ground killing 15 employees.

The plant, which is owned by the company Vitex JSC, will be prevented from operating only temporarily until the details around the explosion have been settled, the Executive Agency said in a statement.