Mario Draghi

Greek bond yields decline

Investors started focusing on the positives in the eurozone on Friday, particularly after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi's optimistic comments the day before.

"Everything has turned upside down - European political risks have faded, the economy is looking strong, while in the US everybody is worried," said DZ Bank strategist Daniel Lenz.

No QE till September, say bankers

Senior bank officials hail the provisional agreement between the government and its creditors as a major step toward the normalization of the economy and the credit system but estimate it will take more time for the country to join the European Central Bank's quantitative easing (QE) program.

1.9 billion from tax free threshold in 2019 if targets not met: Eurogroup head

The head of the EuroGroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem disclosed the content of the April 7 Malta EuroGroup agreement between Greece and its creditors. In a letter he sent to the EuroGroup members Mr. Dijsselbloem presented the results of the Malta meeting. With regards to Greece the official meeting covers the following:

4. Greece – State of play

Merkel pushing for review conclusion, but Greece must agree to measures

Kathimerini understands that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is prepared to do whatever it takes to conclude the second review of Greece's third bailout so that it can join the European Central Bank's quantitative easing program (QE), on the condition that the government agrees to a package of pension cuts and a reduced tax threshold - amounting to roughly 2 percent of GDP.

Draghi bombshell: Greece to enter QE only if debt viable

Greece would be admitted in the European Central Bank’s (ECB) quantitative easing (QE) program only when the EU institutions and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed on the implementation of debt relief measures after 2018, said the European Central bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi.

Die Welt: Without Draghi, the Euro would be history

Though bad for lenders and good for borrowers, low interest rates are a financial topic of major concern according to an article published today in the German daily newspaper Die Welt, which  notes that the person responsible for the policy of cheap money is the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi.
