Martin Jaeger

Schaeuble: Measures for debt relief to be taken after 2018, if needed

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble insists that the discussion for a possible Greek debt relief might take place after 2018, even though he has already expressed his optimism regarding an agreement between Greece and its leaders in Eurogroup meeting to be held on May 24.

Germany: Greece has still a lot of work to do before receiving the 2 bln tranche

the spokesman of the German Finance ministry, Martin Jaeger, sent a message to Greek government saying that Greece should fully implement its commitments to the third Memorandum adding that Athens has still a lot of work to do in order to get the 2 bln tranche.

“Of course Greece must implement the Memorandum” said Martin Jaeger to journalists during a press conference in Berlin.

EC report: No hair-cut for Greek debt

The European Commission on Wednesday released its assessment on a Greek plan for the new ESM bailout program. A day after the IMF released its report on the sustainability of the Greek debt and its estimation that Greece would need an extensive write-off of its debt from EU official creditors, the EC made public its position on the Greek debt.

IMF participation in Greek debt talks 'essential,' German ministry says

Germany views the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in negotiations over Greece's reforms as completely necessary, a spokesman for the finance ministry in Berlin said on Friday.

"We believe it is absolutely essential that the IMF participates,» finance ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger told a regular government news conference.
