Milorad Dodik

Bosnian Serbs to Hold Referendum on State Courts

The assembly of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, has voted on Wednesday to hold a referendum on confidence in the country's state justice system and in the authority of High Representative to Bosnia.

Out of 76 deputies present, 45 voted in favor while 31 abstained. The referendum will be held in mid-September.

Rival Bosnian Serb Blocs Battle Over Referendum

The assembly of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, will hold a special session next week to vote on holding a referendum challenging the authority of Bosnia's High Representative and the state judicial institutions.

The session was requested by the Republika Srpska President, Milorad Dodik, who is launching the initiative for the second time in four years.

Bosnian Serbs Delay Electricity Price Rise After Protests

The government of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity has halted an announced increase in electricity prices at the last moment after coming under fierce pressure from consumers, experts, unions, the opposition and even some members of the ruling parties.

"As a single mother, I was outraged," a resident of the northwestern town of Prijedor told BIRN on Thursday, about the plan.

Monument to Gavrilo Princip unveiled in Belgrade

A monument to Gavrilo Princip was unveiled on Sunday in Belgrade in the presence of Serbian and RS presidents Tomislav Nikolic and Milorad Dodik.

Princip was a member of the Young Bosnia (Mlada Bosna) movement in the early 20th century, who on Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day, June 28) 1914 in Sarajevo assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
