
Ousted Golden Dawn MP faces treason charge after rant

Constantinos Barbarousis, an MP of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party, faced a treason charge after launching a tirade in Greece's Parliament on Friday during a debate on the Macedonia name deal, calling on the army to arrest Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras as well as the president and the defense minister. 

ND official blasts Kammenos over FYROM name talks comment

New Democracy shadow foreign minister Giorgos Koumoutsakos on Tuesday accused Defense Minister Panos Kammenos of undermining the government's ongoing efforts to negotiate a solution between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) over the latter's name, after the minister said the two sides are unlikely to reach an agreement.

Justice minister responds to criticism over Koufodinas furlough

Unbiased implementation of the law is what constitutes a state governed by law and order, Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis told lawmakers in Parliament on Thursday in response to criticism of a decision reached by the capital's Korydallos Prison council to grant 48-hour furlough to convicted November 17 terrorist Dimitris Koufodinas.

Crucial days in Cyprus

With the question "When will they collapse this time?" occupying minds, the Cyprus negotiations left behind yet another crisis and resumed on April 11. In Turkey, meanwhile, only five days were left before a crucial vote that may be of existential importance for the future of the country.

Greek defense minister to meet US counterpart in Washington

Defense Minister Panos Kammenos will meet with US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in Washington on Thursday or Friday. The meeting comes at a time of renewed military planning by the US in the volatile Eastern Mediterranean region.

Greece has made no secret of the fact it wants to strengthen bilateral military ties, and to modernize its military arsenal with American systems.
