Rados Djurovic

Djurovic: Frontex to also be deployed on Serbian borders that are not EU's outer borders

BELGRADE - Under a new agreement to be signed between the EU and Serbia, Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will also be deployed on Serbia's borders with neighbouring Balkan states that are not the EU's outer borders, Asylum Protection Center Director Rados Djurovic said on Friday.

Migrants who didn't cross from Serbia being sent back

Dozens of migrants are being illegally and inhumanely deported from Croatia and Hungary back to Serbia on a daily basis.

This is according to the Asylum Protection Center Director Rados Djurovic, who spoke during a news conference in Belgrade on Tuesday.

The head of this NGO also "asked how the state would react to this practice," Beta is reporting.

"Borders do not stop process, refugees passing through"

Asylum Protection Center NGO President Rados Djurovic has said that although the Balkan route has formally been closed, refugees are "still passing through."

They are heading for the Hungarian-Serbian border "and then continuing their journey onward," Djurovic said on Thursday in Subotica, northern Serbia.
