Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu

Erdoğan voices 'full support' for medium-term program

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has voiced his "full confidence and support" for the medium-term program that was unveiled on Sept. 5.

The government will continue to work tirelessly to achieve the goals set out in the program to increase the welfare of citizens and to ensure the sustainability of our economy for our future generations, Erdoğan said.

Business circles welcome government’s savings package

Business leaders have voiced support for the measures announced by the government aimed at reining in spending and boosting efficiency in the public sector, saying that the package will contribute to the fight against inflation.

The savings package was unveiled by Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek on May 13.

Int’l banks do not expect change in economic policies

In their assessments on the outcome of the March 31 local elections, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs argued that the government is unlikely to change its economic policies.

Deutsche Bank in a report on April 1 that it is constructive on Turkish assets following the results of the March 31 elections.

Business circles welcome new medium-term program

Türkiye's leading business associations have welcomed the government's new medium-term program, as they expect the economic roadmap to increase predictability.

The new medium-term program, which covers 2024-2026, outlines a comprehensive strategy aimed at reducing inflation, fostering growth and addressing various key challenges.

Finance minister meets with business world

Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati has said he had a "fruitful" meeting with the representatives of the business world in Istanbul.

"We held a productive meeting today with our representatives from the business world, the real sector and [nongovernmental organizations] NGOs," Nebati wrote on his Twitter account on Dec. 11 after the meeting.

Turkish officials, businesspeople meet on reform agenda

Working on an ambitious slate of economic and legal reforms, top Turkish officials on Dec. 4 met with key business leaders. 

Lütfi Elvan, the treasury and finance minister, and Abdulhamit Gül, the justice minister, met with leaders of the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD).
