Robert Schuman

EUROPE DAY/Adrian Cioroianu: Crisis generated by coronavirus pandemic, possible stage in EU strengthening

Adrian Cioroianu, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Romania to UNESCO, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, states that, "by virtue of our history of the last 70 years", the crisis generated by the coronavirus pandemic could be "a stage in the strengthening of the European Union" and expresses hope that there are "political figures to rise to the height of this moment" at European level.

Hungary’s Orban Tries to Give ‘Illiberalism’ a Makeover

But since Orban's ruling Fidesz party returned to power in 2010, it has become the must-attend event for right-wing Hungarian intelligentsia loyal to Fidesz.

It was a speech in 2014 that made the biggest waves internationally as Orban set out a vision for an "illiberal state" that became a template for nationalist-populists everywhere.

Premier Ponta's Europe Day message: The European project has the power to reinvent itself

The European project has the power to reinvent itself, to build a better, fairer and more generous society, is the core idea in Prime Minister Victor Ponta's Europe Day message this Saturday.

Photo credit: (c) Alex MICSIK / AGERPRES PHOTO
