Steve Wozniak

Aleksandar Vučić's election results' assumptions: "They chose the wrong tactics"

Vui referred to the meetings he had with UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as well as the chairman of the UAE Executive Affairs Authority and Manchester City club owner Khaldoon al-Mubarak.

Vučić speaks: "I will not be President if those who speak badly about Serbia win"

President Vucic talks about what has been achieved, but also about the plans for the next period, as well as the upcoming elections.
"During my visit to Kruevac, I said that I am a bit tired of everything I face on a daily basis. I always say what we have done and what the plans are, and it is almost impossible to answer all the accusations against the family," said Vui.

Vucic: Further advancement of education in Serbia discussed with Wozniak

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday received US tech entrepreneur Steve Wozniak, best known as the co-founder of Apple Inc, to discuss ways of further advancement of education in Serbia.

At a joint press conference after the meeting, Vucic said Wozniak was an inventor regarded by many as a genius.

Vucic with Wozniak: The legend of the IT industry becomes a Serbian citizen VIDEO

During his address to the media, Vui first introduced Wozniak and his achievements.
"For us, the conversation about education was of key importance - how to change the awareness of all people that education is one of the most important links for us," said Vui.
He added that this was an exceptional opportunity to present the EXPO.

Mali presents Expo 2027 project to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak

BELGRADE - Serbian Deputy PM and Finance Minister Sinisa Mali presented on Tuesday a project to build the Expo 2027 complex to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who is visiting Belgrade.

After the presentation, Mali gave Wozniak a basket of organic apples, as well as a replica of a 14th-century dinar coin from the era of Serbian Emperor Dusan.
