Steve Wozniak

Mali presents Expo 2027 project to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak

BELGRADE - Serbian Deputy PM and Finance Minister Sinisa Mali presented on Tuesday a project to build the Expo 2027 complex to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who is visiting Belgrade.

After the presentation, Mali gave Wozniak a basket of organic apples, as well as a replica of a 14th-century dinar coin from the era of Serbian Emperor Dusan.

Elon Musk with a Letter to Humanity: Artificial intelligence can Defeat and Destroy us

Leading figures in the field of artificial intelligence technology development, including Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, have suggested pausing the training of AI-based systems until reliable security protocols are developed and implemented.

Experts warn of dangers of “killer robots” in letter to UN

More than 100 leading robotics experts are urging the United Nations to take action in order to prevent the development of “killer robots”.
In a letter to the organisation, artificial intelligence (AI) leaders, including billionaire Elon Musk, warn of “a third revolution in warfare”.
