Tal Abyad

President Erdo?an in driving seat in dealing with Syria turmoil

Amid uncertainty over the composition of the next government after June 7 elections, the tension along the Turkish-Syrian border has intensified to the advantage of the Syrian Kurds that grabbed the control of strategic city Tal Abyad from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

ISIL suffers 'biggest setback' as Kurds take Syria border town

Kurdish forces have seized control of a key border town from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), cutting a major supply line in the biggest setback yet for the jihadists in Syria, as the Turkish government clearly voiced its unease over the perceived efforts to unify Kurdish cantons in its southern neighbor. 

Kurds in full control of Syria's Tal Abyad: monitor

Kurdish militia, backed by Syrian rebel forces, seized full control of a key border town from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group jihadists early on June 16, a monitoring group said. 

"Since dawn this morning, not a single bullet has been fired in Tal Abyad," said Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman.    

Kurdish militia gears up efforts to clear ISIL from villages around Kobane

Syrian Kurdish militias, who drove out Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants from the center of Kobane after 134 days of battle, are launching operations into the villages surrounding the Syrian border town in a bid to clear the last frontiers of the battle from the Islamists.

Hundreds of Kurds enter Syria to fight ISIL as Turkey increases security on Rojava border

Hundreds of Kurdish fighters have entered the predominantly Syrian Kurdish region known as Rojava in recent days to battle jihadists besieging the Kurdish city of Kobane, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdul Rahman said July 14, as the Turkish army beefed up its security on the border.
