
Trump Signs Bill Ending Government Shutdown After 3 Days

The federal government will be open for business Tuesday after President Trump signed a bill funding the government until Feb. 8, Fox News reports.

Trump signed the measure Monday evening, hours after the House and Senate approved the package by wide margins as Senate Democrats backed off their opposition. 

U.S. Еmbassy to Мove to Jerusalem by the Еnd of 2019

The U.S. embassy in Israel will move to Jerusalem by the end of 2019, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Monday, according to Reuters. 

"In the weeks ahead, our administration will advance its plan to open the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem - and that United States Embassy will open before the end of next year," Pence said in a speech to the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem.

Palestinian Envoy Sent Back to Washington

The Palestinian envoy to the United States says he is returning to Washington after just one day of "consultations" over President Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, according to BBC. 

Husam Zomlot said he met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas privately.

He was instructed to return to Washington "immediately", he said.

Removal of nukes at Incirlik might benefit both US & Turkey

Amid U.S. media speculation over the removal of nuclear weapons from İncirlik Air Base in southern Turkey, experts argue that the nuclear stockpile held over from the Cold War has lost its use for deterrence and therefore its removal might be beneficial for both sides. Existence of U.S.
