
Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting North Korea's Trading Partners

President Trump signed an executive order Thursday targeting North Korea's trading partners, calling it a "powerful" new tool aimed at isolating and de-nuclearizing the regime, Fox News reports.

The president announced the order as he met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

Tillerson Says U.S. May Close Cuba Embassy Over Mystery Ailments

The Trump administration is considering closing the recently reopened United States Embassy in Havana after 21 Americans associated with the embassy experienced a host of unexplained health problems.

Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said during an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that such a closing was “under evaluation.”

Moment North Korea launches missile (video)

North Korea’s state-run TV channel has revealed footage of Tuesday morning’s missile launch over Japan.
The announcement claimed that firing the missile was “the first step” of Pyongyang’s military operations in the region and repeated threats against the US territory of Guam, which it branded “an advanced base of invasion”.

The awkward, necessary U.S. – Turkey relationship

Secretary of Defense James Mattis has a difficult task ahead. In a visit to Turkey Wednesday, he will step into the thicket of competing interests that characterizes one of America’s most important military partnerships. At the center of the difficulty is American efforts in Syria, which rely fundamentally on a collection of local forces among whom are actors Turkey considers terrorists.

The United States is Suspending USD 300 million in Aid to Egypt

President Trump's administration has cut off nearly USD 100 million in military and economic aid to Egypt and postponed nearly USD 200 million in military funding until improvements in human rights and mitigation efforts for civilian and non-governmental organizations have taken place, referring to official sources.

Petition to label Antifa as a terrorist organization hits 100K signatures

A petition that called on President Trump to label Antifa as a criminal organization has hit the 100,000 signatures required to receive a response from the White House.

The petition was launched last week on Thursday, August 17, and in just three days, hit the target of 100,000 responses needed for the White House to give a formal response.
