Vladimir Vladimirov

The Management of BDZ Resigned

The three members of the Board of Directors of BDZ Holding have resigned. This was confirmed on NOVA TV by Transport Minister Rosen Zhelyazkov. Resignations have been deposited in the Cabinet of the Minister. He will become acquainted with the motives and will decide within the term prescribed by the law.

Travel by Train on Holidays in Bulgaria will be Possible only with Reservation

On holidays the customers of BDZ will be able to travel in the busiest directions only after reservation in advance, the passengers without reservation will be returned. That's what BD Executive Director Vladimir Vladimirov announced in the show "This morning" on bTV in response to a question about crowded trains during the holidays.

BDZ will Buy New Trains

The process of investing in "Passenger Transport" starts - the investments consist in the purchase of new trains. The Bulgarian Government will make this on two stages - the first stage - 41 new trains will be bought and on the second stage - 44. This wa announced by Vladimir Vladimirov, Executive Director of Holding BDZ. 

Bulgaria's Transport Minister Dismisses CEOs of Two Railway Companies

Interim Transport Minister Hristo Aleksiev has dismissed the heads of two state-owned companies in the railway sector.

The national railway transport operator, Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ), will have Georgi Drumev as CEO, replacing Vladimir Vladimirov.

Krasimir Papukchiyski is the new head of the National Railway Infrastructure Company, replacing Milcho Lambrev.
