William Murray

EU official dismisses Greek rhetoric on payments as bonds plunge

By Rebecca Christie & Andrew Mayeda

Euro-area officials need to look beyond Greece?s repeat warnings that it may miss a payment and find a long-term solution that shores up the economy to prevent any financial fallout, according to the European commissioner in charge of euro matters.

IMF says had 'constructive' phone call with Greece

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde had a 'constructive' conversation with Greece's prime minister on Wednesday, IMF spokesman William Murray said on Thursday.

"They had a constructive conversation that focused on next steps in taking forward the policy discussions related to the IMF's continued support of Greece's reform program," Murray told reporters on Thursday.

IMF insists on eurozone lightening Greece’s debt

 Fund remains against horizontal cuts to salaries and pensions

By Katerina Sokou

The International Monetary Fund insists that Greece’s debt needs to be restructured and is waiting for the issue to be discussed this fall in the context of the Greek economy’s next assessment, a spokesman for the Washington-based Fund confirmed on Thursday.