Xenia Kounalaki

EU Commissioner Schinas hails bloc’s new migration laws

EU Commissioner Margaritis Schinas on Friday hailed the bloc's new rules for handling irregular arrivals of asylum seekers and migrants.

"For the first time, the European Union has a migration policy," Schinas said at the Delphi Economic Forum during a discussion with former European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, moderated by Kathimerini journalist Xenia Kounalaki.

Tsipras says he never contemplated leaving EU or euro

Former prime minister Alexis Tsipras has said he never contemplated taking Greece out of the European Union or dropping its common currency when he called the 2015 referendum.

"Not even for a moment did it cross my mind to negotiate the country's presence in the EU and use of the euro," he told the final day of the "50 Years of the Metapolitefsi" conference.

On Discrimination | Athens | January 18

The Canadian Embassy in Greece, in collaboration with the City of Athens and with the participation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Solidarity Now and the Greek Film Archive, is hosting "Twice Trapped: Discrimination among Asylum Applicants," a special public event that will address the realities faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex (LGBTI)