Yordan Tsonev

Bulgaria’s Parliament: Ad Hoc Committee to Monitor Covid-19 Spending

Bulgaria's Parliament voted unanimously on May 14 to set up an ad hoc committee to monitor the state spending related to the measures taken to overcome the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis in the country. The proposal for establishing such committee came from the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party.

Parliament Set up a Committee of Inquiry for the Acquisition of Bulgarian Citizenship

Parliament established an Interim Commission of Inquiry to investigate all the facts, facts and circumstances regarding the allegations made in European and Bulgarian media about the scandalous bribery scheme for the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship by foreign citizens.
About 161 MPs voted for, one was against, and four abstained.

Bulgaria MPs Back Media Law Changes Pushed by Mogul

With 92 votes in favour, 12 against and 28 abstentions, lawmakers in Bulgaria's parliament on Wednesday, on a first reading,voted in favour of amendments to the Law for the Compulsory Depositing of Print Media.

MPs now have four weeks to potentially amend the proposal, ahead of the second reading, after which the law would be officially amended.

ABV Seeks DPS Support in Upcoming Presidential Elections

ABV has become the first party to seek the support of DPS for the presidential vote on November 6.

This became clear at a meeting in Parliament on Wednesday between ABV's presidential nominee Ivaylo Kalfin and the leader of DPS Mustafa Karadayi and the Vice Chairman of the parliamentary group of DPS Yordan Tsonev.

Bulgaria MPs Approve Making Report on Insolvent KTB Public

Lawmakers in Bulgaria have voted to approve on second reading changes to the Bank Insolvency Act paving the way for the publication of a report tracking the assets of insolvent Corporate Commercial Bank (Corpbank or KTB).

Until now the text was only available in Parliament's secret registry, which was not accessible to the general public but only to lawmakers.

Parliament To Debate On Reintroduction of Progressive Personal Income Tax

Bulgaria's Parliament will discuss at first reading on Wednesday draft amendments to personal income tax law and the reintroduction of progressive tax.

The two different draft amendments - tabled by the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and the left-wing nationalists Ataka - were overruled last week by the interim parliamentary budget and finances committee.

GERB, DPS To Negotiate On Government Formation

The centre-right GERB and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) will negotiate on Tuesday afternoon on the formation and support for new government.

At a press conference on Monday DPS leader Lyutvi Mestan said his party will offer unconditional support for a minority GERB government, but refused to support a government formed in coalition with far nationalist parties.
