Yordan Tsonev

DPS Party Seeks Single Competition and Consumer Protection Authority

A bill envisaging a single body in charge of competition and consumer protection has been submitted by Yordan Tsonev, MP from liberal party Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS).

The commission will combine the functions of the existing Commission on Protection of Competition and Commission for Consumer Protection.

Bulgaria To Set Up Mega-Authority in charge of Antitrust Supervision

After boosting consumer protection laws, Bulgaria's government will focus on strengthening regulatory bodies, according to Yordan Tsonev, MP from liberal party DPS.

In a Friday interview for Nova TV, Tsonev explained that the first step would be to increase the capacity of the Commission for Protection of Competition and make it more powerful.

Consumer Loan Act Changes Pass 1st Reading in Bulgaria's Parliament

A set of amendments to the Consumer Loan Act passed first reading in Bulgaria's Parliament.

The legal changes, put forth by Yordan Tsonev, MP from liberal party Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) and Rumen Gechev, MP from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), were approved with 99 votes in favor, 4 votes against and 7 abstentions, according to reports of dnevnik.bg.
