Zenun Pajaziti

Kosovo May Form Army, Bypassing Serb Veto

Kosovo's President is planning to establish a regular army for the country by amending the current Law on the Kosovo Security Force, KSF, extending its powers and responsibilities.

A change to the competencies of the existing KSF would circumvent the need to win Kosovo Serb MPs' approval for the formation of a regular army.

Kosovo MPs Hold Marathon Debate on Activist's Death

MPs from the ruling coalition of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, and the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, convoked an extraordinary session of parliament to discuss the death of opposition activist Astrit Dehari - having earlier refused to discuss the matter on the grounds that they were awaiting the official forensic report.

Serb Census in Northern Kosovo Faces Obstacles

The chair of the Kosovo parliament's Commission for Public Administration, Zenun Pajaziti, told BIRN that his commission had approved a draft document for a census to be held in northern Kosovo, which now has to be put on the parliamentary agenda.

The census in the four northern municipalities was planned for this autumn, the Deputy Minister of Local Government, Bajram Gecaj, added.