
"An explosive decision": India revokes the special constitutional status of Kashmir

Hindu nationalist authorities made Presidential Decree which abolishes Special status of the state Jammu and Kashmir, guaranteed under Indian Constitution.
Home Minister Amit Shah introduced the measure in parliament despite massive protests from the opposition. He said it would become law as soon as it was signed by the president.

Renowned photojournalist Yannis Behrakis dies at 58

Yannis Behrakis, one of Reuters' most decorated and best-loved photographers, has died after a long battle with cancer. He was 58.

After joining the news wire 30 years ago, Behrakis covered many of the most tumultuous events around the world, including conflicts in Afghanistan and Chechnya, a huge earthquake in Kashmir and the Egyptian uprising of 2011.

Pakistan welcomes Turkey's role as mediator with India

"We welcome the Turkish offer of mediation not only in defusing the current situation but also in helping to bring lasting peace and stability to South Asia by helping Pakistan and India sit together and have a meaningful result-oriented conversation on the core issue that afflicts South Asia, and that is Kashmir," Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi told Anadolu Agency.       
