
On the mail-in vote

Postal voting, if it works properly, will go some way towards curbing the problem of rising abstention that should concern everyone, regardless of party affiliation.

At the same time, it is a long-standing request of diaspora Greeks and a measure that has been applied in almost all modern democracies.

Samaras rejects idea that ND MPs opposed to same-sex marriage abstain from vote

Former premier Antonis Samaras has indicated that he will vote against a bill legalizing same-sex marriage when it comes before parliament, thus appearing to reject a proposal of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that government MPs who disagree with the measure abstain in the relevant parliamentary vote.

Lawyers extend strike action to January 19

The lawyers' abstention has been extended until January 19 after a decision of the plenary session of the country's bar associations with a vote of 46-12, with the minority voting in favor of a complete abstention from all proceedings. 

Accordingly, lawyers will refrain from criminal trials, as well as those pertaining to public interest, enforcement of rulings and payment orders.

A crucial choice

The long pre-election period and the clear result of the May 21 ballot may have created a sense that Sunday's vote is something of a formality. This is far from the case. 

In fact, this election is more important than the last one because it will determine whether the country will have a government for the next four years and how it will be governed. 
