Aftermath of the Houthi takeover in Yemen

UN staff flee war-torn Yemen, Russia voices concern

The United Nations evacuated staff from war-torn Yemen as Russia warned Saudi-led air strikes on Iranian-backed rebels were affecting crunch nuclear talks between world powers and Tehran.

Yemen's President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi urged his Arab allies to keep up the bombing raids in his country until the Huthi Shiite rebels surrender, branding them Iran's "puppet".

Yemen leader moved to 'secure location' as rebels advance

Yemen's leader was rushed to a "secure location" on Wednesday, a top aide said, as rebel forces bore down on his southern stronghold following clashes that sparked warnings of civil war.
The aide said President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi was taken to a safe haven "within Aden," denying that he had fled Yemen, a key ally in the US war on Al-Qaeda.
