
Farmer jailed for keeping sheep and dogs in 'desperate' conditions

A livestock breeder in eastern Attica was handed a six-month jail sentence on Thursday after being convicted of criminal negligence for failing to provide food and shelter for his sheep and dogs.

Witnesses described the situation on his farm in the region of Plaka in Keratea as "desperate" with starving animals exposed to the elements. Ministry starts actions on work groups on 29 agriculture files taken over by Romania

The procedures on Unfair Commercial Practices, the Spirit Drinks Regulation and the Strategic Plans file in the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy legislative package were analyzed on Wednesday by Agriculture Minister Petre Daea with working group experts in Brussels in the context of holding the presidency of the EU Council.

A tale of roots and settlers

The last grapes of the year were served at the table of the family home in the downtown Athens neighborhood of Kypseli just a few days ago. No words were needed to express the hope that the grapevine in the backyard would yield another good harvest in 2019. The proud owners of this storied vine swear that every year the grapes seem to be sweeter, crisper and more vibrant in color.

Meet Knickers, the Giant Cow that's an International Sensation (Video)

Knickers the steer is the current obsession of the internet. The steer — which is basically a neutered bull — stands a whopping 6 feet 4 inches from hoof to shoulder and towers above other cows when he stands in an Australian field with them. His owner admits that the sudden surge of attention is inexplicable. 
