Albania–Serbia relations

"EU will have to rein in Haradinaj"

"Haradinaj's war threats are reason enough why Kosovo shouldn't have an army and why we have to draw a clear and strong line between Serbia and Greater Albania", Vulin said this morning.

Serbia would not be entering any wars,it wouldn't cause conflict but it would protect its interests and its people,he said in a Ministry of Defence statement.

FHP calls on authorities to solve murders of Bytyqi brothers

The brothers Bytyqi traveled to Serbia to fight in the ranks of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the 1999 war in Kosovo. They were captured by Serbian authorities shortly after the war and sentenced to 15 days in prison for having illegally crossed the state border between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Albania.

Serbian Albanians Place Their Faith in EU Membership

As some Serbian and Kosovo politicians mull swapping territories between the two countries, members of the the ethnic Albanian minority in southern Serbia say they would rather see both countries inside the EU.

"This is not something new. This is a story that circles both in southern Serbia and Kosovo," Nedzad Beljulji, the owner of TV Spectra in Bujanovac, in southern Serbia, said.
