Albania–Serbia relations

Serbian Nationalists Target BIRN Staffer for Defending Baker

Serbian right-wingers have begun a concerted campaign against BIRN project coordinator Sofija Todorovic since she defended the rights of an ethnic Albanian baker in her hometown of Borca - himself the subject of nationalist attacks - sharing hate speech, insults and threats to her on social media and attempting to hack her account on Twitter.

Serbian Nationalists Target Albanian Baker Over Cousin’s Gesture

Whatever the reason, on April 27, nationalists gathered in front of the bakery, shouted nationalistic slogans, played Serbian patriotic songs and put stickers reading "Kosovo is Serbia" on the windows.

Groups of them twice stormed into the bakery but were escorted out by police, who secured the premises.

Kosovo Court Acquits Serb Ex-Policeman of War Crimes

The judge reads the acquittal decision in Zajic's case on Friday in Peja/Pec. Photo: BIRN.

Zajic was found not guilty of taking part in the killing of two people - one with disabilities - and of forcing ethnic Albanians out of a village in 1998 during the war in Kosovo.

The judges said the reason for the acquittal was the witnesses' "contradictory" testimonies.

"Western media's decisive role in decision to attack Serbia"

According to Zakharova, there was a hysterical campaign in the western media that went on for months, focusing on alleged mass oppression of (Kosovo) Albanians - while glossing over the terrorist activities of "Kosovo fighters, and their crimes, including the kidnapping of people for the purpose of illegal organ trafficking."
