American television

Trump national security aide Flynn resigns over Russian contacts

President Donald Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned late on Feb. 13 after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations.

Trump's immigration policy and the world

Donald Trump's move to ban immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries has triggered a fight in US courts and provoked angry protests in many US cities. But the arguments over its legal and moral merits won't change many minds. The new president's supporters and critics are already motivated and mobilized. Few are neutral on Trump or this policy.

Better Trump impersonation than Alec Baldwin?? (funny video)

Actor Alec Baldwin had better watch his back. Cyprus Air, an Alexandria, VA-based heating and cooling company, unveiled a Super Bowl ad during Sunday’s night game featuring a Donald Trump impersonator so adored, his skills may just rival Baldwin’s own “Saturday Night Live” Trump parody. The video has ammased over 800,000 views so far and counting…

Trump and trade

Like Mexico, Canada is in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Donald Trump has described as "the worst trade deal...ever signed in this country." Unlike Mexico, Canada thinks that Trump is not planning to hurt it. But no good deed goes unpunished, so Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should be very careful.

The Trump Hurricane

U.S. President Donald Trump's immigration ban against seven Muslim-majority countries has shaken up the whole world. Yet his anti-immigrant and Islamophobic policy has only exposed the already existing and deep-rooted polarity in the world.

The 10 days that shook the world

It used to be that a newly elected president or prime minister had to complete 100 days in office before you could draw a relatively safe conclusion about their intentions. Not so with Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States. One could say that everything takes place at nearly internet speed.

German publisher of “Die Zeit” calls for murder of Donald Trump! (video)

The election of`Donald Trump as US President is proving to be one of the most controversial and divisive developments on the global political stage in years. The polarisation his rise to power has caused, not only in the US but around the world is unprecedented.
