
Davuto?lu's plagiarism of Kuzu

On April 15, Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu read out his election manifesto - a manifesto that actually states he will leave his position if he wins the elections.

If you ask whether or not the election manifestos of political parties should be taken seriously, I would say ?no.? They write the manifestos, but no voters read them. Later, they are all forgotten.

HDP: Davuto?lu's election manifesto aims to win votes for Erdo?an, not himself

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu?s call for opposition leaders to review the ruling Justice and Development Party?s (AKP) 100-article ?2023 New Turkey Contract? and election manifesto has received a bitter response from the Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP), with its co-chair labeling the texts ?self-denying? by Davuto?lu.
