
Athens' Christmas 'milk tree' feeds thousands of people in need

For the eight consecutive year a different Christmas tree made up with milk tins and other food products was erected in the center of Athens on Friday.

The Christmas tree of the local NGO "Doctors of the World" has a short life span - adorns the yard of the historic building of the Athens University for just one day each year - but a major mission.

Global Climate Change is Now Affecting Bulgarian Raspberry Yield

Bulgaria continues to rank third in Europe for industrial raspberries. These are raspberries that are exported from the country in a frozen state. For example, countries such as Spain and France produce larger quantities than us, but they are destined for sale as fresh fruit. At present, Bulgaria produces 7,000 tonnes of industrial raspberries.

Ikaria: Nourishment for the soul

It is my last day here in Ikaria, a beautiful Greek island in the northern Aegean, named after Icarus from mythology, who fell into the surrounding sea when his wax wings melted in the sun. Ikaria is a nature lover’s paradise with its crystal blue waters, and lush hiking trails that lead to quaint, mountainous villages nestled on the coast.

Japanese Grecophile wants to save the Tree of Hippocrates

Coming from an ancient culture themselves, Japanese people show an admiration for ancient Greek history and an attraction to the Greek culture in general. The extent of this respect was exhibited in a Japanese man’s desire to save the plain tree that according to tradition was planted by the father of western medicine Hippocrates.

Food authority recalls slimming drink over unapproved substances

The Choco Slim drink sold under the Iasis brand has been found to contain two unapproved substances, the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) said on Wednesday, announcing that it is being recalled from shelves.

Tests on the beverage - which is advertised as a dietary supplement - found it to contain rhodiola rosea and konjac root, neither of which are approved in Greece.

Four seasons for visiting the olive groves of Greece

In olive oil-producing countries such as Greece, tourists can wander through olive groves all year, observing the summer growth of olives, their autumn harvest, the winter landscapes, the new spring branches, leaves, and blossoms, and the cycle’s annual repetition. We can see people and nature working together to make Greek liquid gold in its homeland.

Other countries reap added value from Greek produce

Greece exported 50.38 tons of olive oil in the first half of the year for 214.9 million euros. This means it sold olive oil to other countries at 4.2 euros per kilo, while the cheapest brand of olive oil at local supermarkets costs at least 8-8.5 euros per liter (with a liter of olive oil weighing 915 grams).
