Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union

BREXIT begins: "This is historic moment from which there can be no turning back"

British Prime Minister Theresa May has formally begun the process of the UK leaving the European Union, by sending a letter of intent to European Council President Donald Tusk, triggering Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon and paving the way for the biggest political upheaval in the EU's history.

Harsh UK Immigration Plan amid Fear 'Half of Bulgaria and Romania' Will Come

British Prime Minister Theresa May reportedly plans to suspend the right of EU nationals to live in the UK next month after a government source suggested "half of Romania and Bulgaria" might move to the UK before Brexit, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Pushed by the concern, May is poised to put an end to free movement for new EU migrants while triggering Brexit negotiations.

UK Supreme Court rules parliament must vote on Brexit procedure

The UK Supreme Court has ruled that the British parliament must vote on whether the procedures for Brexit can start, Tueasday. The judgement means Theresa May cannot begin talks with the EU until MPs and peers give their backing – although this is expected to happen in time for the government’s 31 March deadline.
