Bisexual women

Angelina Jolie and the family eat bugs in Cambodia (UGLY VIDEO)


Angelina Jolie visited Cambodia in order to promote her new film as a director, “ First They Killed my Father”. She brought along her six children and in an interview for BBC with journalist Yalda Hakim, they all cooked and ate the special dish of Cambodia: bugs!

Angelina teaches her children how too eat them, giving advises and explains things about their cooking.

Jolie grants temporary full custody

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have reached a temporary three-week custody agrrement on the custody of their six children which includes therapy and drug tests, suggested by the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Service on Friday. The deal was voluntary and doesn’t reflect any ruling from the court regarding permanent custody, legal or physical, a source says.

Angelina Jolie’s visit to Lesvos cancelled

The arrival of American actor and UNHCR’s Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie to Lesvos has been cancelled.

Jolie was expected to arrive on Tuesday night in her own private jet in order to visit the refugee camps in Moria and Kara Tepe. However, the flight plan submitted was cancelled yesterday evening and her arrival was rescheduled for Wednesday at 09.00 (local time).
