Car classifications

Dacia to open preorders for first electric model, prices between 16,800 and 18,100 Euro

Automobile manufacturer Dacia announced on Wednesday that it ill open, starting with March 20, preorders for its first electric model, which will be sold in Romania with prices between 16,800 and 18,100 Euro. "Starting with March 20, Dacia will open online preorders for its "Comfort Plus" version of its first electric model.

Higher incomes are going electric

Three Bentley Bentayga SUVs, which cost more than 200,000 euros each, 22 Teslas ranging from €50,000 to €100,000 depending on the model, and 78 Porsches (19 Taycans, 52 Cayennes and seven Panameras) with prices far exceeding €100,000 each, are included in the list of electric cars sold in Greece in 2020, according to the registration data Kathimerini has seen.

Revoz to relaunch production next Wednesday

Novo Mesto – The production at Renault-owned assembly plant Revoz, which was suspended this week as a supplier of insulation components had to stop deliveries due to a massive fire, will be relaunched next Wednesday. Components will be delivered from Spain, where Treves managed to transfer a part of its production.

Dacia presents Bigster, concept of a 4.6 meter long SUV model

On Thursday, Dacia presented the concept of a 4.6 meter long SUV model, which foreshadows the solution for a C-segment vehicle at the affordable price of a lower segment model. According to a statement from the car manufacturer, the Bigster concept incorporates the values of simplicity and authenticity specific to the Dacia brand.

Competition authority approves share transfer of Hyundai Assan

The Turkish competition authority has approved the sale of 30 percent shares of Hyundai Assan from Turkey's Kibar Holding to Hyundai Motor.

The South Korean automotive giant, the world's fifth-biggest auto group, was already holding 70 percent of stocks in the Turkish automotive company.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk now world’s wealthiest person: US media

Elon Musk, the outspoken and envelope-pushing founder and CEO of Tesla, overtook Amazon boss Jeff Bezos to become the world's wealthiest person, U.S. media reported on Jan. 7.

Musk is a major shareholder of the electric car company and has benefited from Tesla's surging share price over the last year. CNBC estimated his wealth at $185 billion.
