Catholic liturgy

The "Bright" Week begins

Serbian Orthodox Church and the faithful celebrate the second day of Easter, popularly called Holy Monday. This day also marks the beginning of a "Bright" Week, or Renewal Week. It is the period of seven days beginning on Easter and continuing up to (but not including) the following Sunday, which is known as Thomas Sunday.

It is Holy Saturday, the Orthodox World Awaits the Resurrection of Christ

Today is Holy Saturday - the last day of Holy Week. Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate the feast of feasts - the Resurrection of Christ. Church services recall the burial of Jesus Christ and the Savior's descent into Hell.

According to the church hymns, Holy Saturday is overly blessed, because in it Christ, asleep, will be resurrected in three-day period.

Bishops say Easter brings new beginning, hope and life

Ljubljana/Maribor – Ljubljana Archbishop and Metropolitan Stanislav Zore held an Easter Sunday mass in the Ljubljana Cathedral to note that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something that brought new hope and life. Masses of the Resurrection of the Lord were held in numerous other churches around the country.

Days after Easter Are the Bright Week, Rejoice!

On Easter Sunday the atmosphere of the Church switches gears, and instead of a focusing on death and sorrow, the Church is alive and resplendent with joy. Jesus is risen!

This is emphasized in a particular in many Eastern Churches. The week following Easter Sunday is called "Bright Week," and refers to the light that Jesus has brought into the world.
