Citizen media
Important dilemma of digital journalism is attitude to social networks
Ljubljana – Digital journalism in Slovenia is on the rise and is no longer only an additional channel. Working online has its specifics and brings new dilemmas, one of them being the attitude to social networks, sharing contents and communicating with followers, agreed participants in a panel on contemporary trends in journalism on Thursday.
SRJ MediaSind calls on state institutions to take all necessary measures to protect health of media workers
The National Executive Office of the Romanian Trade Union of Journalists MediaSind (SRJ MediaSind) calls on the state institutions to take all necessary measures to protect the health of the media workers and for the safety of jobs, according to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Tuesday.
BIRN Launches New Investigative Resource Desk Platform
The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) launched a cross-border journalism platform on Thursday with the aim of helping journalists all over the globe by providing them with knowledge and assistance necessary in today's world.
AGERPRES, Thomson Reuters Foundation concluded the second course Social Media and Digital Journalism
AGERPRES National News Agency and Thomson Reuters Foundation today, July 17, 2014, concluded the Social Media and Digital Journalism course, devoted to the journalists of the Association of the Balkan News Agencies - Southeast Europe (ABNA-SE) member agencies.
INTERVIEW John Mastrini (Reuters Foundation): Professional journalists must be ready to manage social media
Professional journalists must be able to manage social media at any time in their fields, whether it's experts or politicians or celebrities they are covering who might tweet something at anytime that will change the news, online editor and trainer of Thomson Reuters Foundation John Mastrini told AGERPRES on Thursday.