
Granma: Trombones from Havana | Athens | December 19-21

German theater group Rimini Protokoll comes to Athens with its latest documentary play, produced by Stefan Kaegi to mark the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. The play, essentially a dialogue between the past and the future, recreates the utopian vision of the Cuban Revolution, and its disappointments, with history rewritten by the grandchildren of Castro and his comrades.

Solemn session/Parliament adopts Declaration devoted to marking 30 years since 1989 Revolution

Parliament adopted on Monday in a joint plenary solemn session a Declaration devoted to marking 30 years since the Revolution of December 1989, highlighting that the fight of the Romanian people against communism must further represent a source of moral and political inspiration to deal with the challenges of the world today.

Thirty Years: The Changing State of Freedom in Central Europe

This is the latest in a series of articles on the legacy of the fall of the Iron Curtain 30 years ago. See more.

In a period of just six months, protest-driven popular movements swept away communist regimes in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania — all of which had consistently been rated "Not Free" by Freedom House.

Democracy Digest: Ten Podcasts Worth Your Time

Is Humour the Best Antidote to Tyranny?

British-American author Andrew Keen has been travelling the globe to investigate what he calls "the contemporary crisis of democracy" for his Keen On Democracy podcast series.

In this episode, he talks to Michael Zantovksy, a Czech diplomat, writer and human rights activist, on how to fight authoritarianism with humour.

Countries Mark 80 Years since Pact that Divided Europe

The governments of Romania, Poland and the Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania condemned "the crimes perpetrated under the ideology of Nazism and Stalinism" in a joint statement on Friday marking the 80th anniversary of the Nazi-Soviet pact that divided Europe into spheres of influence.
