
Justice minister's refusal to attend EU summit fuels political tension

A decision by Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis to turn down an invitation to participate in an international conference on crimes committed by communist regimes being organized by the European Union's Estonian presidency in Tallinn on Wednesday intensified tensions between the leftist-led coalition and the conservative opposition on Monday.

Greece does not recognise communist regime crimes

The Greek government declined to take part in an international conference that denounces crimes committed by communist regimes. The Greek Minister of Justice, Stavros Kontonis sent a statement in response to an invitation by the Estonian Presidency, which is organising the conference differentiating the ideologies of communism and Nazism.

Colombia FARC rebels seal historic disarmament

Colombia's leftist FARC rebel force declared its disarmament complete on June 27 after half a century of war against the state, bringing an end to Latin America's oldest armed guerrilla force.

"Farewell to war. Farewell to arms, welcome to peace!" said commander Rodrigo Londono, alias Timochenko, in a speech in the central town of Mesetas, the group's historic base.

The community

Imagine such a life: Almost all of your decisions are made by somebody else; there is no free area in your life. Your education, job, marriage, free time, books and newspapers to be read… All of these are decided for you, and you need only obey. 

Seven Artists | Athens | June 2-30

Seven talented artists express their reflections and emotions in experiential artworks that are going on display at the Chryssothemis Gallery in the northern Athens suburb of Halandri. The gallery was launched in spring of 1979 under the direction of Zoi Psarrou. Its name is taken from a poem by Giannis Ritsos.

Greek Communist leader addresses congress

Communist Party (KKE) leader Dimitris Koutsoumbas addresses party officials Thursday during KKE's 20th congress. The key goal of the party, which next year celebrates its 100th birthday, is to bring about "social change" and to "fulfill its historic, pioneering role, using class struggle to accentuate the contradictions of the capitalist system." [Eurokinissi]

Greek Communist leader address congress

Communist Party (KKE) leader Dimitris Koutsoumbas addresses party officials Thursday during KKE's 20th congress. The key goal of the party, which next year celebrates its 100th birthday, is to bring about "social change" and to "fulfill its historic, pioneering role, using class struggle to accentuate the contradictions of the capitalist system." [Eurokinissi]

Colombia: Gov't Accuses ELN of Killings, Rebels Blame Paramilitary

BOGOTÁ, Colombia - Seven people were killed during two ambushes at the western and eastern edges of the Colombian jungle and the government has blamed the Army of National Liberation (ELN) while the rebels have placed the blame on right-wing paramilitary unit operating in the areas as the two sides attempt peace talks.
