Constitution of the United Kingdom

'Lion roars' as Scottish nationalists score historic sweep

The Scottish National Party (SNP) won a landslide in Scotland on May 8, destroying the Labour party north of the border in a historic leap forward which could increase pressure for a fresh referendum on independence.

The nationalists won 56 of 59 parliamentary seats in Scotland in the May 7 general election, final results showed, up from just six at the last vote in 2010.

Scottish party has "historic success" in British election

Scottish party has "historic success" in British election

LONDON -- Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon has said that voters in Scotland lost trust in the Labor Party, and "want to an end to austerity."

Her party, according to preliminary results for the British general election, won almost all seats in Scotland.

Cameron's Conservatives Projected to Win GB Elections

David Cameron's conservative Tory Party are in the lead in the Great Britain elections. It is projected that the formation led by the current PM will get 316 out of the 650 available seats in the London Parliament. The number, however, is under the minimum majority needed - 326.

The UK Labour Party will most probably be coming in second with 239 MPs.
