
Data signal pick up in construction activity: Association

A series of data shows signs of construction sector activity picking up, the Türkiye Construction Materials Industrialists' Association (İMSAD) has said.

The existing construction activities index increased 8.2 points in January from the previous month, while the new construction orders index rose 5.2 points month-on-month, the business group said in a report.

Industrialists complain about lack of intermediate staff

Industrialists say they cannot find machine operators and welders, contractors seek plasterers and painters, while tailors and carpenters cannot find apprentices.

With approximately 3 million people unemployed in Türkiye, the shortage of skilled and intermediate workers has become a threat to production, according to employers.

Appeals delay major public projects

Appeals by residents or local government bodies (or both), disputes between companies, and service delays in the delivery of required spaces for the establishment of construction sites - e.g. due to the need for expropriations - are just a few examples of the issues that continue to derail the timetables of most of the country's major projects.

Smart defense

The country obviously needs to be armed, but the effectiveness of its defense does not rely on expensive military equipment alone, but also on how it is managed.

There isn't much point in paying for a state-of-the art weapon if you don't have the infrastructure to keep it operational.

There's no point in spending money if your defense plan is stuck in the 20th century.
