Controversies during the Turkish general election, November

HDP delegation seeks entry to southeastern district under curfew

A delegation headed by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirta? sought to enter the Cizre district of the southeastern ??rnak province on Sept. 9, on the sixth day of the curfew in the area. 

The delegation was stopped on their way to Cizre as soon as they left the Midyat district of southeastern province of Mardin.

US condemns attack on daily Hürriyet

The U.S. State Department on Sept. 8 condemned attacks targeting Turkish daily Hürriyet's offices.

"I'm concerned by reports that the protest against Hürriyet Daily was encouraged by members of the Justice and Development Party. Elected officials must be careful not to appear to encourage violence against media outlets," told reporters.

What's in a vote? Everything

Terrorism is escalating. The attack in southeastern Da?l?ca by the separatist gang claimed the lives of 16 beloved sons in military uniforms. The number of other beloved sons who have lost their lives in disgusting, deplorable and indeed heinous terrorism acts is estimated to be in the hundreds. In another attack by the terrorists, a roadside bomb blast claimed the lives of 13 policemen.

AKP deputy vows to stage continued 'protests' outside media outlets

Justice and Development Party (AKP) Istanbul deputy Abdülrahim Boynukal?n, who was among the group of around 200 assailants who stormed daily Hürriyet?s building in Istanbul late Sept. 6, has vowed to stage ?protests? outside buildings of media outlets if they continue to ?whitewash violence with biased news reports.?

Hürriyet editorial: No excuse can justify violence against the press

We are living in sad days of national mourning because of the loathsome terror attack which happened in Da?l?ca, southeastern Turkey. It breaks the hearts of all of us that our heroes, our soldiers, were martyred while they were fulfilling their national service. We condemn the terror perpetrated by the Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) once more. We harbor in our readers?
