Debt relief

The salaries they deserve

Because of Greece's bankruptcy, the stereotype prevailed that all salaries in the public sector are a waste that serve clientelistic purposes. Thus, the salaries and status of civil servants ended up impermissibly low.

Debt settlements to banks, state at €2.65 bln

A total of €2.65 billion in private debt to banks - or, more accurately, to the recovery funds that bought delinquent loans from banks - and the state has been settled so far this year outside the courts, through 7,257 cases, the Ministry of Finance announced.

Of those, 931 settlements worth €400 million were made in July alone, the ministry added.

Bulgaria Join in the IMF's Somalia Debt Fundraising Initiative

The Council of Ministers approved the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) initiative to raise funds to settle Somalia's debt to the IMF, amounting to EUR 242 million.

The amount with which Bulgaria will join is amounting to 1.48 million SDR (special drawing rights)
